logo.esp.gif (4996 bytes) Estas son algunos documentos de préstamos del Banco Mundial para la elaboración de marcos regulatorios para el sector eléctrico de América Latina. Entre paréntesis se encuentran traducidos los aspectos más relevantes

Country-Title: EL SALVADOR-El Salvador - Energy Sector Modernization Project
Report Date: 05/26/95
Loan No: 3920
Report No: 12528
Report Type: Staff Appraisal Report

Abstract: The Energy Sector Modernization Project will: (a) improve service reliability and increase coverage by rehabilitating, modernizing and expanding power generation, transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems; and (b) assist in the restructuring of the sector's legal and regulatory framework through the preparation of secondary legislation and procedures,[ asistir en la restructuración del marco legal y regulatorio del sector a través de la preparación de legislación secundaria y procedimientos] and to support the Electricity and Hydrocarbons Regulatory Commission (EHRC) and the National Energy Council (NEC) when their respective laws are enacted. At the same time the government is introducing policies to promote environmentally sound investments and operating procedures by establishing project guidelines and quality standards and by strengthening management and enforcement capacities.

Country-Title: Panama - Utilities Restructuring Technical Assistance Project
Report Date: 12/19/97
Loan No: 4274
Report No: 17173
Report Type: Project Appraisal Document

Abstract: The development objectives of the Utilities Restructuring Technical Assistance Project are to enhance the efficiency of provision, improve the quality and expand coverage of infrastructure services by providing an enabling environment for mobilizing private sector expertise and capital on a competitive basis, within an appropiate policy and regulatory framework. [ un ambiente propicio para la movilización de la experiencia y los capitales del sector privado sobre una base competitiva dentro de un marco político y regulatorio apropiado]. The project will finance consulting services for policy/institution building, training and equipment for each of its three components, electricity, water and sanitation, and telecommunications.

Country-Title: COLOMBIA-Colombia - Power Market Development Project
Report Date: 10/23/95
Loan No: 3955
Credit No:3954
Report No: 13621
Report Type: Staff Appraisal Report

Abstract: The overall objective of Private Sector Energy Development Project is to support power sector reform by facilitating the operation of a competitive bulk supply market for electricity. Specifically, the project seeks to lift transmission constraints that hinder an open access of publicly as well as privately owned power generators to the grid and to support Interconexion Electrica SA (ISA) as transmission network operator, system generation dispatcher and commercial transactions coordinator. The project will be a key component of the comprehensive power sector restructuring that is being put in place with Bank assistance. [El proyecto será un componente clave de la amplia restructuración del sector energético que está siendo implementada con la asistencia del Banco]. The project consists of three components: 1) Energy control Center (ECC) and Financial Settlement Center (FSC); 2) strengthening and expansion of the interconnected transmission system; and 3) technical assistance.

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Proyecto Energía y Banca Multilateral de Desarrollo