Mother Esmeralda GOD'S VOICE


‘Divine seeds’, you asked…
Like seeds that spread
You will spread through words,
And are sowed through the looking,
And you also caress the seeds with your feet.
How many times have I told you,
Every beat of the heart,
Is like a musical note,
a note that is always Accompanied by another one
to eventually create a symphony
Which the earth shall enjoy .
A song that will sound like the singing
 Like the enormous  Alleluia,
 and the whole universe will unite.
I bless you with the strength that I so created you with in the heavens,
I will also say to you, today there shall be a new baptism.
You were baptized in water, fire and in blood,
Throughout the time,
But first you were baptized in the heavens,
after you were Created and were named.
You were given musical names, and once born, created, baptized and named,
Your musical name shook the heavens
And the heavens sang to the tune of each new harmony
With the names that I gave each of you.
And this is how I’ve always named you.
But now  in these  a new baptism,
A different baptism to all others
The  Mother whom has arrived as a dove,
 The Mother Now transforms herself into a woman,
The Mother who extends her wings.
‘Speak’, he says to her, she responds
‘ I am the dove, messenger of peace
I am the eternal Mother, who has always affectionately nursed you,
I am the being whom if you should need my life
In an instant I would give it to you.
I am the dove with soft feathers, which cannot scratch nor harm,
If one of my feathers were coarse I would remove it instantly as to not harm.
I am the peace and this I come to reinforce,
I am in each of your hearts, but as the father says,
Even if I were to permit this breakdown of humanity,
My heart is destroyed, because I too live and experience this pain.
Come my dear sons, come to me,
Never think that I would close my wings without all of you underneath them, no….
All, all of you come forth to me, I will nurse you, and while I nurse you I will bless you as well, and I will baptism  you,
 and this shall be the first time I do.
Today our baptism is formed by the overflow of my tears.
 But  my tears have never dried,
 My tears will never be dried
Because I will cry
of my emotion and happiness, because I know that the pain  will  end soon.
This is my baptism my dear souls,
my baptism with my tears,
But my tears will soon transform into the purest water descending from above and transforming into drops of dew,
 In everybody the drops
 And although it may seem impossible, these drops will cleanse your food of tears,
And happiness shall only exist in each of us.

( 12.1.1991 )



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