Foro [ HM ]
Welcome to the Historia Matematica forum

The purpose of this forum is to provide a virtual environment for scholarly discussion of the History of Mathematics (in a broad sense), amongst professionals, and non-professionals with a serious interest in the field. All scholarly aspects of the history may be discussed, and in addition such issues as:

  • History/Philosophy of History of Mathematics
  • Current trends in the History of Mathematics
  • Ethnomathematics
  • History of mathematics in teaching mathematics
  • Origin of mathematical terms/symbols
  • Biographies and obituaries
  • Bibliographical references
  • Announcements of conferences, meetings, jobs, ...

Those interested in joining this forum are encouraged to identify themselves by filling out the membership application:


Suggestions and feedback about this discussion group would be most welcome. Many thanks.

Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
Director de [HM]

El objetivo de este foro es brindar un ámbito virtual para la discusión en forma académica sobre Historia de la Matemática.

Quienes se suscriban a este foro de discusión deberán completar el formulario de inscripción.

Por favor ... observar que usted puede leer las guías completas de [HM] en español.
En español
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