New Executive Director for EMS
Farewell In
the first place, we give our farewell to Dr. Federico Burone who acted as Executive
Director of the Secretariat for a period of 4 years and was responsible for
positioning the EMS at the regional and international levels.
At the same time, we warmly congratulate him on his appointment as Regional
Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Development
Research Centre (IDRC/Canada). Welcome On
the other hand, we welcome the new Executive Director of the EMS, Mr. Walter Ubal,
who took office on March 1st, 2002.
Walter is very well known to the EMS, he has been working with us for the
last year in the elaboration of an international strategy to link the EMS with
European partners, particularly the European Commission and several groups of
Italian partners. His international experience was key to extend EMS beyond the
region by deploying and promoting ICTs tools developed by the EMS as well as in
building and promoting the "Sharing Cities" network.
New Final Reports of Financed
Projects SHARING
CITIES: Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment Programme -
"Design of alternatives for public-private partnerships to provide sanitation
and water services within municipal development programmes and projects in
urban-marginalized areas of Lima, based on experiences developed by the APPJ
programme of the European Union", Municipality of Villamaría del Triunfo, Perú.
Management of Urban Solid Waste: Impact and Potentialities", Prefecture of the
Municipality of Sao Bernardo do Campo. - "Institutional
association alternatives for the management of waste in the Cotahuma District in the
City of La Paz", Municipality of La Paz. EMS-ECOHEALTH
(IDRC) Between
2000 and 2001, the EMS, together with the Ecosystems Approach on Human Health
Programme of the IDRC, has funded a technological transfer programme aimed at
municipal governments in Latin America, in the application of low-cost technologies
to assess water quality. Municipal
governments of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, have embarked on
applied research projects with the technical advice of the International Watertox
Network, created in 1997 with the support of IDRC.
For further information, including the final reports, please visit:
http://www.idrc.ca/lacro/bioensayos EMS
SERVICES: City Press and Cities Forum
Events Information and Promotion New
EMS service dedicated exclusively to publish events, seminars, conferences, summits,
courses and professional opportunities. Promote your event! CITY
PRESS City-Press:
Space dedicated to the publication of news in the field of environmental
management in cities and municipalities of Latin America and the Caribbean.
News received through our Information and Knowledge Network.
The Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA),
IULA's Latin American chapter, has been working for several months in a document
that will serve as cornerstone to the pro-municipal movement in our hemisphere.
This document must be approved at the Plenary Meeting of the 1st
Congress of Municipalities from Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, on July 24-26, 2002. New
Central American Programme on Environmental Management Modernization (PROSIGA) in
Central American countries by the Central American Environment and Development
Committee, with the support of Cooperation of The Netherlands and IADB.
(pdf file) Habitat
has changed. The General Assembly of
the United Nations decided to transform the United Nations Centre for Human
Settlements into "United Nations Programme for Human Settlements", whose
short version will be UN-Habitat. For
further information:
http://www.unchs.org/ The
project on "Agreements in the community of neighbours-municipalities-companies:
an agreed public-private management for the provision of environmental
sanitation infrastructure and services" (
developed within this programme, was presented during the VIII Inter-American
Congress on the Environment, held in Talca, Chile in December 2001.
(presented by Giorgina Piani, School of Sciences, UDELAR). Sub-regional
Workshop to Support the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants to be held in Montevideo, March 18 to 22. Organized by the
Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment of Uruguay and UNEP
Chemicals. More information:
suspel@adinet.com.uy The
Municipal Urban Cleansing Department of Porto Alegre won the 2001 Ecology Top Award
--ADVB with the study on "Recycling Units at the Municipality of Porto
Alegre", awarded on December 4, 2001.
(see Events Section) On
February 6 the Human Network of the Sustainable Development Network of Colombia was
consolidated. It links universities, institutions and people working in this area.
Professional/Academic Opportunities -
IDRC call on: "Public and
private support to research and its implications to governments in developing
countries and research institutions", organized by the new Programme on Research
on Knowledge Systems. Deadline: March 29, 2002. For
further information:
http://www.idrc.ca/research/xroks_e.html -
IDRC call on: "An
Ecosystems Approach in Human Health to Prevent and Control the Chagas Disease,
Dengue and Malaria in Central America and the Caribbean", organized by the
ECOHEALTH Programme Initiative of IDRC and UNEP.
Deadline: April 19, 2002. For more information:
Internships at the IDRC regional office Latin America and the Caribbean.
"FTAA Negotiations and the Environment" and "Methodologic and
ethic guidelines in the implementation of projects with indigenous peoples:
the case of mining". For
further information:
- Internships and Consultancy - Programme on Strategic Development Alliances in
Latin America. For further information:
http://www.desarrollolocal.org Events, Conferences, Workshops
Urban Forum, organized by UN-HABITAT and the World Bank.
Date: April 29 to May 3, 2002.
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya.
For further information:
together to assist the urban poor - establishing an open community of practice for
pro poor Public Private Partnerships”, organized by PPPUE’s Global Learning
Network and hosted by the Municipality of Cape Town in partnership with the
University of the Western Cape. Date: May 6-8, 2002. Venue: Cape Town, South
Africa. For more information contact:
pppue@undp.org Congress:
"Developing Cities in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean", organized by
the Urbanism Institute, University of Montreal. Venue:
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Date:
May 13-17, 2002. For further
pdf) Third
International Congress on Urbanism and the Environment:
The Challenges of Urban-Environmental Planning in the New Century. Organized by the School of Urban and Regional Planning of the
Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, ANPUD, ALEUP and AMECIDER.
Venue: Toluca, Mexico.
Date: May 22-24, 2002. For additional information: Mtro.
Pablo Vinageras Barros
palberto@mail.uaemex.mx, Mtro Jorge
Tapia Quevedo
jtq@coatepec.uaemex.mx, Lic. Beatriz
Rodríguez Iabajos
Iabajos@coatepec.uaemex.mx Exhibition
and Congress on Innovative Policies and Practices in City Management - URBIS 2002,
organized by the Sao Paulo Prefecture, the RRII Secretariat of the City of Sao Paulo
and the Anhembi enterprise. Venue:
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Date: June 5-8, 2002.
For additional information:
http://www.urbis-sp.com.br/2002/index.asp Summit
of Montreal, organized by the Government of the City of Montreal.
Date: June 4-6, 2002. Venue: Montreal, Canada. More information:
Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities Conference, Exhibition and Award
Programme. Date: June 5-8, 2002. Venue:
Stockholm, Sweden. For further
information please contact Ms. Lena Kling,
http://www.partnerships.stockholm.se Conference
“Europe and the Americas” (La Conference de Montreal Eighth Edition). Date:
June 24 – 28, 2002. Venue: Montreal, Canada.
For further information, visit:
http://www.conferencedemontreal.com The
2002 Kananaskis G8 Summit. Date: June 26-27, 2002. Venue: Kananaskis, Alberta,
Canada. More information:
http://www.g8.gc.ca/ The
World Summit on Sustainable Development - Johannesburg Summit 2002, organized by
tenth session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (known as CSD10).
Venue: Johannesburg, South Africa. Date: from 26 August to 4 September 2002. Training
programmes on Municipal Drive ("Arranque Municipal" -PCAM) by ITESM
jointly with the World Bank Institute and the support of CEDEMUN Mexico.
For further information:
http://www.ruv.itesm.mx/programas/pcam Regional
Specialization in Human Settlements, "City and territory management",
organized by ECLAC and UNESCO, among others. Venue:
Santiago de Chile, Chile. Registration
until the end of March at:
http://www.cpu.cl. Urban
Management and Sustainable Development (international).
Organized by ECLAC and CONAU (Dominican Republic).
Venue: Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic. Date:
April 15 - May 3, 2002. For more
in Local Development, International Training Center, International Labor
Organization (CIF/ILO), Italy. Deadline
for registration: until April 6. Contact: DelNet Programme
Team (
geotechnologies in Planning and the Environment, organized by GIS Brazil.
For further information:
of Socio-Economic Indicators in Impact Assessment of Projects and Programmes in the
Fight against Poverty". Venue:
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Date:
July 1-12, 2002. Registration
until June 3. For further information:
http://www.ems-sema.org/castellano/noticias/forum.htm If
you have information on the following enquiries, please send it to
forum@ems-sema.org indicating reference
number of consultation. Thank you for
joining our knowledge network! Subject:
Environmental management in the urban-rural interface 01
- Concepts on demarcation and management of urban-rural limits. Subject:
Environmental information systems in cities. 02
- Experiences in building environmental indexes. 03
- References on experiences in the creation of indicators with PEIR methodology
(pressure, state, impact, response) used in analyzing the impact on water, land and
air. Subject:
Waste management. 04
- Management of solid waste services in Montevideo for a research job.
Information is sought on final disposal services in the City of Montevideo
(if this is a metropolitan management and if there is an estimated cost of urban
waste collection services). Subject:
Financial mechanisms in environmental management initiatives 05
- The PAIS Potosi NGO is looking for partners to fund the implementation of a Water
Analysis Laboratory - "Yacupaj". WE
RECOMMEND Preparatory
documents for the Johannesburg Summit 2002 - the World Summit on Sustainable
Development, to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from August 24 to September
4, 2002.
http://www.johannesburgsummit.org/html/documents/documents.html Article:
"Working with young men" (in Portuguese), disseminated through the
Polis Institute of Brazil. Text
prepared by ECOS / Instituto Promundo / PAPA /Health and Gender with the support of
the Mac Arthur Foundation.
Virtual Library - In the areas of Urbanism and Housing, among other topics.
http://www.iula.net/default.asp?pagina=biblioteca.asp Geo
Youth Book on Latin America and the Caribbean:
Open your eyes to the environment. With
the auspices of the United Nations Environmental Programme.
http://www.rolac.unep.mx/geoyouth PPP
News -- new bulletin by Global Learning Network, Public- Private Partnerships for
Urban Environment.
http://www.undp.org/pppue/gln/joingln.htm The
Gallon Environmental Letter. Canadian
electronic newsletter on the environment
cibe@WEB.NET. Sustainable
Urban and Regional Development in Latin America Experts Network
http://www.tu-berlin.de/abz/netz/ Local
Democracy - bimonthly newsletter by IULA - FLACMA and CELCADEL on local development
http://www.iula.net/noticias.htm Governance
and Institutional Development in Latin America Network -- IIG/PNUD Generalitat de
Catalunya. For more information
http://www.iigov.org "Urban
Agriculture" magazine, RUAF (Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Forestry)
of Interest at the CLAD Portal (Latin American Development Administration Centre - a
new section in the portal:
http://www.clad.org.ve/noticias.html FEMICA
has thoroughly renovated and updated its website:
http://www.femica.org United
Nations Research Site on Right to Adequate Housing at the level of MERCOSUR.
Project by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human
http://www.microenergia.net/derechovivienda.htm Site
on Urban Poverty, launched by The Max Lock Centre, WEDC and GHK Research and
Development. http://www.citypoverty.net |
“The EMS-SEMA has the support of IDRC, IADB, Environment Canada, UNEP and the Ministry of Housing, Land Management and the Environment of Uruguay (MVOTMA). It is an International Secretariat managed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada)"
Internet EMS: http://www.ems-sema.org Internet IDRC - Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office: The
publication of INFO-EMS is under
the responsibility of |