The Southern Cone
Coastal Cities are currently undergoing an active search process for
new models of urban environmental management and regeneration.
Among the different issues to be addressed in the region, the
following are highlighted:
- Recovery of
coastal front
- The synergetic
effect of the coastal zone management on the regeneration of
other areas in the city,
- Coordination of
activities with public and private agents related to the
management of port areas,
- The association of
public and private agents and the allocation of responsibilities
among the different social agents for the sustainable management
of the coast,
- The evaluation of
the scope of ecosystemic models for the analysis and management
of the urban system
In 1997, after a Seminar
held in the city of Montevideo and organised jointly by the Merco
Cities Network, the Inter-American Development Bank, CIDEU,
the Municipality of Montevideo and the International
Development Research Centre, the group of participating
cities joined efforts for an exchange of information, progress and
problems faced by each city in terms of attempting to improve urban
environmental management and the application of new management
models. This Seminar allowed for the identification of an agenda
that included the most relevant issues to enhance management and
urban development of these coastal cities. In addition, the Seminar
revealed the need for a stronger cooperation among cities and
between regional experts who work on these issues.
The Second Meeting of
cities took place in the city of Rosario
in 1998. It was the first meeting where one of the most interesting
issues was analysed in more depth:
models with the private sector for the integrated and sustainable
management of the coastal zone.
The EMS, as
part of the International Development Research Centre, is now in
charge of managing the consolidation of the regional network,
facilitating progress of studies and exchange of information among
municipal governments, port authorities, private enterprises and
research centres that develop activities in related issues.
(in Spanish)
November 18 and
19, 1999
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Government of
the City of Buenos Aires
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Puerto Madero Corporation - Argentina
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Governments of the
participant cities, together with the private sector and NGO's
representatives, analized projects of recovery and management of
coastal fronts. (see the list
of participants and conclusions
- available in Spanish only).