


Research Centre


21 February

09.00 - 09.30

Welcoming words
Carlos Seré and Diplomatic Representatives

Welcome to the City of Montevideo
Mayor of the City of Montevideo

09.30 - 09.40

Opening Ceremony: Roberto Savio

09.40 - 10.10

Introduction of participants

10.10 - 10.25

Coffee Break

Challenges for environmental policy managers in cities of Latin America and the Caribbean

10.25 - 10.40

Document presentation: Federico Burone

10.40 - 12.30

General discussion

12.30 - 14.15

Lunch break

Decentralisation and cooperation among governments for sustainable urban development management: institutional capacity demand

14.30 - 14.40

Introduction: Roberto Savio

14.40 - 15.40

Panel members: Miguel Ángel Gómez, Claudio Langone, Ana María Quiroa de Arango, Enrico Gotti

15.40 - 16.20

Discussion following presentations

16.20 - 16.35

Coffee break

Government and civil society in the construction of sustainable urban development: lessons and opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean

16.35 - 16.45

Introduction: Franco Micieli de Biase

16.45 - 17.45

Panel members: Eduardo Rojas, Teresa Sera, Gildo Baraldi, Isabelle Hentic, Mario Lubetkin

17.45 - 18.30

Discussion following presentations


Cocktail with participants and other guests

22 February

Sustainable Development and Local Governance: two visions

09.00 - 09.10

Introduction: Juan Manuel Salazar

09.10 - 09.50

Panel members: Hermes Binner, Gonzalo Cibils, Alessandro Moneta, Doménico Iarossi

09.50 - 10.20

Discussion following presentations

10.20 - 10.35

Coffee break

Local Governance in LAC: the contribution of knowledge networks

10.35 - 11.35

Panel members: Carl Bartone, Francisco Tilak Viegas, Marcelo Korc, Federico Burone

11.35 - 12.30

Discussion following presentations

12.30 - 14.30

Lunch break

Priorities, opportunities and recommendations for the development of the EMS strategical actions

14.35 - 14.45

Introduction: Roberto Savio

14.45 - 18.00

Discussion in small groups

Group A: Coincidences for the development of a shared interest strategy

Group B: EMS lines of action to strengthen and articulate knowledge networks

Group C: Instruments to implement the Forum’s recommendations

23 February

Conclusions and Recommendations

09.00 - 09.30

Introduction: Roberto Savio and Carlos Seré

09.30 - 10.30

Presentation of small groups conclusions

10.30 - 11.00

General discussion

11.00 - 11.15

Coffee break

11.15 - 12.30

Signature of the Minute and Closing Ceremony


Forum Closing Lunch


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Environmental Management Secretariat
 for Latin America and the Caribbean

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